Eccentric Neural Grooving: Pigeon Functional Range Conditioning _ E C C E N T R I C N E U R A L G R O O V I N G _ Eccentric neural grooving (ENG) describes training lengthened muscles under tension to help you better "own" your movement. With ENG you get a one-two combo of increasing your 1) flexibility at the tissue level and through neural adaptation, and 2) control of your body's movement involving the targeted tissues. _ Here I am demonstrating an eccentric pigeon (there's a funny image) with an optional neural tensioner at my end range. This helps: • Increase my hip external rotation and flexion ranges • Strengthens my gluteus medius and minimus • Contributes to the resiliency of those tissues • Safeguards me in this range when my hip is in this position (o hai BJJ practitioners) • Desensitizes my nervous system from pain that occurs when involved nerves adhere to structures they pass through. - References: (O'Sullivan 2012, Kjaer 2004, Ingber 2000, Kilgallon 2007, Brughelli 2007). Yes I know this is not an APA style citation. A video posted by PhysioStrength (@physiostrengthnyc) on Dec 14, 2016 at 6:55pm PST Clinton LeeDecember 18, 2016Comment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 0 Likes