An Interview

I had an awesome time sitting down recently with fellow physical therapists Jeff Lin and Ryan Luan to talk about my private practice, how I got into PT and my rehab approach in working with powerlifting and weightlifting populations.

Jeff (to my right) is a fellow PT here in NYC by way of Taiwan. Ryan (to my left) is a Taiwanese physical therapist who specializes in weightlifting rehab and works on the Taiwanese national weightlifting team medical staff. Prior to this video Ryan had just returned from Uzbekistan where Taiwan placed second overall at the 2020 Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships.

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McKenzie Course Review: Part II

On the third and final day of the McKenzie Part B course that I attended recently, the course instructors showed the following video of a sample evaluation during a McKenzie Part D course (Advanced Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine & Extremities).

The person being evaluated (Christine) is an active PT who runs, works out, participates in CrossFit and bodybuilds. Around the 0:19 mark Christine describes how about two years ago during a team competition, she experienced a right shoulder subluxation (and what sounds like a spontaneous reduction) during a power snatch into an overhead squat. This led to discomfort and movement issues in her right shoulder that impaired her athletic performance, particularly her ability to perform overhead strength movements in the past year.

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